Friday, September 11, 2020

Break the Fast With Breakfast

Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay
I think a lot of people enjoy having a good breakfast. Why not, after waking up from an eight to twelve hour fast (or maybe more), we’re bound to be hungry! I don’t usually get hungry when I wake up, unless I had a light dinner. It takes a while for my stomach to catch up to me.

My fast is usually about twelve hours, which I don't think it's bad. It is also not intentional, like I said it takes a while for me to begin to feel like having something to eat. There are people however who go through a sixteen hour fast.

I've heard of the benefits of fasting, which includes: increasing the body's resistance to stress, and decreasing your risk of cancer and other diseases. The main reason why people do fasts though is to loose weight. That is far from my case. I don't need to loose weight, I just want to reap the other benefits. It would be difficult for me to do a sixteen hour fast because I'll have to make sure I eat enough, and my stomach is not big enough. That is why I'm not too inclined to do the sixteen hour one. Here is a short article that quickly talks about and lists the benefits: UCI Health Article. If you'd like a more in depth article with links to even more in depth info from studies: Harvard Health Article

Back to breakfast...

We gotta break our fast with something nutritious.

Now that it’s summer, I'm not feeling the warm bowl of oatmeal. Instead I like to have a bowl of fruit with watered down oats. I’ll cut up some strawberries, a banana, a peach, an apple, half to a whole mango. I’ll blend 1/3 of a cup of rolled oats with water and pour that into the bowl of fruit (it's like a cereal bowl, but instead of the "cereal" it's fruit), then I'll crush a handful of cashews ( I love cashews) and sprinkle that in, along with a spoonful of hemp seeds. Yum

I must confess though, that lately I have been lacking the motivation to make myself breakfast. The easiest thing to make is oatmeal, but I'm not feeling it. I'll have a banana and a glass of iced coffee. The only nutritious thing is the banana, and even then I should be supplementing it with something else besides coffee. I will however, make my son a bowl of oatmeal or oat pancakes, and he's good with that. 

Okay, so in this post I am going to commit to making myself breakfast. Whether it's the bowl of fruit or oatmeal. Perhaps I'll start with oatmeal as that seems to be the fastest and easiest thing to make, even if I'm not feeling it. I don't want to get use to having a banana and a coffee for breakfast. I'll check in in ten days.

Do you have a favorite go-to breakfast?

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