Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Love and Take Care of the Child in You.

“When you are no longer caught in specific images or appearances, you can see things more clearly. You can see that the little child is still alive in every cell of your body. It is possible to listen to and take care of the little boy or little girl in you at any time. You can invite that child to breath with you, walk with you, and enjoy nature with you.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh in The Art of Living.

I’m currently reading The Art of Living and I’ve come to a part that reminded me of what a very close friend of mine once told me “take care of the little girl down deep inside you. Not just accept her. Love her. She needs your love as you needed your moms love.” I grew up with a very critical and judgmental mother, and even though I am not living with her now as an adult I still receive that from my self. I learned to criticize and judge myself. Where is the self-love?

Let’s bring out the little child in us, the scared child, the criticized child. Let the child talk to you, what is he or she saying? Listen. 

Accept without criticism, tell the child “you are good enough.” 

Genetically, and in the way we grew up, we carry our parents in us. We are our parents. Talk to the child as your parents, through you your parents speak.

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