Monday, October 26, 2020

Trouble Writing

I've been having a difficult time writing. I'd like to write in here every four days. When I don't it's because I'm having a big block. 

I don't want this blog to be a diary. I want it to be more of a journal of stories, or articles on reflections. Personal stories that I've reflected on. I guess that would be considered a diary, but to me a journal is not as personal and more of a record. At least for me I'm attempting to record and process what I've learned through events or experiences that have happened, or books/stories I've heard and read. 

I also started this blog because I wanted to work on my writing. I enjoy it and want to improve it. I can't improve it if I'm not practicing!

I should organize myself more. 

I've been feeling a bit self-conscious, and worrying more this past couple of weeks about what other people will say or think. I've always been like that but over the course of the past few years I've been getting better. However, I get these periods where I can't help it. My mind starts cluttering up and making up stories, and no matter how much I attempt to be present I can't. So, I let it and end up dwelling in it. In turn that prevents me from using my mind, and instead it's using me. If that makes sense. 

For the most part it's related to the pandemic. Social distancing and family/friend gatherings are difficult because not everybody feels the same way. I'm a worrier and pretty cautious. That sometimes can be taken a different way.

Okay, this was a diary post. Yikes. I'll probably delete this sometime when I get back to my regular post.
Thanks for reading if you did. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Mother-Son Bond Through Books

When my son was very young I would talk to him and read his books in Spanish because I wanted him to be bilingual. I still talk to him in Spanish, but not as much as I use to. 

This is how it started: 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

4 Books For a Better Person

There are so many books out there that we can read to help us become a better person. I think most of us are always trying to better ourselves—internally.  We want to learn how to get rid of that hate, we want to heal from that trauma, we want to live joyfully, we want to be more compassionate and loving to ourselves and others. I think that is the best thing we can do in order for us to move forward. It really all starts with ourselves.

To be a better mother (or father) we must take care of ourselves. Nourish ourselves mentally and physically so that we can be better equipped to help our children. Help them deal with whatever emotional thing they are dealing with, and by modeling love and compassion towards others.

This is the same as a being a teacher. I remember one of the classes I took emphasized taking care of ourselves as teachers so that we can be suited to care for our students (meditation was one of the practices that was recommended). Being a preschool teacher can be very taxing, especially on our mental being, as we could have a troubled student that needs a lot of love, and/or a lot of attention, in addition to having to be there for the rest of the students. 

We must learn how to care for ourselves in order to be able to care for others. 

So, if we need to take care of ourselves first of all (both as parents and as teacher), then to be a better friend, or a better person and a better human being of this world, why shouldn’t we need to take care of ourselves first?

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Surrender Experiment

Would you be willing to try an experiment? An experiment that will have you accept everything that comes your way? Everything that life presents in front of you. Would you say yes? Michael A. Singer, the author of The Surrender Experiment, did just that. 

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
I just finished reading his book and it was very interesting. I did have some reservations though about the ways he went about certain things, but the overall concept is what I liked. After having a deep spiritual awakening, Singer decided to let life happen no matter what his mind thought. He wanted to see what would happen if he surrendered and accepted everything that life put in front of him.